A full-fledged working tool for due diligence processes.

Achieving a smooth and efficient due diligence process requires tailor-made functionality that meets the needs of the various parties. Thats is why ENVE was created.  

Project management in the data room.

Assigning and following up on work tasks has never been easier. With ENVE, you can allocate responsibilities, set deadlines for execution and check in with the advisors - directly in the data room.

Illustration describing work management
Image of ENVE data room

Processing of files and report generation.

The buyer's advisors can collaborate on reviewing uploaded documentation by noting deviations and remarks continuously in the data room - without the seller's side having access to the findings, of course. At the touch of a button, all findings can be compiled into a full due diligence report.

Illustration describing the Due-Diligence process
Image of ENVE data room

Functionality developed with care.

ENVE gives you, both as a buyer and a seller, access to the tools you need for a smoother due diligence process.

Effective start-up

Customize your own folder structure, choose from our templates or create an empty data room in seconds.

Answering the request list

The seller can answer the request list by uploading files, marking a question as not relevant or with a text answer.


Request additional information and ask questions about uploaded files.


Ask general questions and conduct dialogues with the other party.

Task manager

Distribute responsibilities and tasks between your colleagues.

More buyer groups

Invite different buyer groups into the same data room, without them seeing each other.

Quality assurance

Choose which users should be able to ask and answer questions.

Access management

Restrict access to files and folders, on an individual or group level.

Analysis of progress

Keep track of the progress of the transaction.

Notes findings

Record findings and deviations directly in the data room, without the seller having access to the comments.

DD report

Generate due diligence reports automatically, based on noted findings in the data room.


Support for viewing the vast majority of file types, including Excel.

Automatic indexing

Additional requests are automatically indexed according to the existing folder structure.


Configure and customize email alerts and notifications in the data room.

Activity log

Keep track of events and user activities.

Document properties

Control watermarking and permissions for file download and export.


Export data room content, activity logs and complete history.


Our dedicated team helps with training, onboarding and other assistance.

Effective start-up

Customize your own folder structure, choose from our templates or create an empty data room in seconds.

Answering the request list

The seller can answer the request list by uploading files, marking a question as not relevant or with a text answer.


Request additional information and ask questions about uploaded files.


Ask general questions and conduct dialogues with the other party.

Task manager

Distribute responsibilities and tasks between your colleagues.

More buyer groups

Invite different buyer groups into the same data room, without them seeing each other.

Access management

Restrict access to files and folders, on an individual or group level.

Analysis of progress

Keep track of the progress of the transaction.


Support for viewing the vast majority of file types, including Excel.

Automatic indexing

Additional requests are automatically indexed according to the existing folder structure.


Configure and customize email alerts and notifications in the data room.

Activity log

Keep track of events and user activities.

Document properties

Control watermarking and permissions for file download and export.


Export data room content, activity logs and complete history.


Our dedicated team helps with training, onboarding and other assistance.


Request additional information and ask questions about uploaded files.


Ask general questions and conduct dialogues with the other party.

Quality assurance

Choose which users should be able to ask and answer questions.

Analysis of progress

Keep track of the progress of the transaction.

Notes findings

Record findings and deviations directly in the data room, without the seller having access to the comments.

DD report

Generate due diligence reports automatically, based on noted findings in the data room.


Support for viewing the vast majority of file types, including Excel.

Automatic indexing

Additional requests are automatically indexed according to the existing folder structure.


Configure and customize email alerts and notifications in the data room.

Activity log

Keep track of events and user activities.


Export data room content, activity logs and complete history.


Our dedicated team helps with training, onboarding and other assistance.

Try ENVE as your next data room and experience the difference!