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Illustration of a calendar
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Illustration of input fields
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Illustration of user in a meeting
Digital demo of the solution
with one of our employees
We have been particularly pleased with the intuitive way the platform is structured, which makes it easy and efficient to use, both for us as lawyers and other advisors, not to mention - for our clients.

Tom Solberg, Partner in Pretor Advokat
Ontogoney Corporate Finance logo
Logo DNB commercial brokerage
Logog Ei solutions
Logo real estate agent 1
We recommend that our customers use ENVE in all transactions that require a data room. It is reasonably priced, has a good user interface, and especially their ability to note remarks and deviations directly in the data room significantly simplifies the work for the customer and all advisors involved.

Jan Bratterud, Group Partner at Ontogeny Corporate Finance
Logo pretor advokat
Logo DNB commercial brokerage
Logog Ei solutions
Logo real estate agent 1
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