Leasi - World-class machine optimization

Leasi - World-class machine optimization


By Sander Haukdal Larsen, General Manager

Leasi is a driving force for innovation in the construction industry, helping lessors and contractors optimize their fleet of machinery and equipment. They do this through software that provides an overview of machine profitability, emissions data and maintenance needs. Leasi thus helps to make machine management both easier and more efficient.

But building a company like Leasi requires more than just modern technology and a solid team - it also requires financial resources. That's why the company secured NOK 12.6 million in fresh capital from the likes of Skanska and Startuplab before the summer. We caught up with the team at Leasi to find out more about the IPO process and how the use of ENVE contributed to a successful fundraising.

How did you experience the issuance process?

- We found the process to be smooth, and we are very satisfied with the result. During the process, we also had the opportunity to test out some of the new features in ENVE that were to be launched in August, which we benefited greatly from.

Among other things, Leasi gained access to the brand new Multi Buyer Mode (MBT), which enabled 1:1 communication instead of publishing all content to everyone. "This lowered the threshold for communication and made the dialogue more personal," they explain. MBT also made it possible to keep different investment companies separate in the data room, which was very useful. "We were able to communicate directly with each investment company without the others having access to the questions being asked or the documents being shared," says the Leasi team.

Scott Bekke, CEO of Leasi

Which feature was most useful to you?

- "We were very pleased to be able to see who had actually entered the data room, which files they had opened and how many times they had looked at them. This overview made it easier for us to keep track of what the investors had seen, which was invaluable information during the negotiations," says Scott Bekke, CEO of Leasi.

How did you experience the use of ENVE?

- ENVE delivered a very professional platform, and the investors really appreciated the notifications they received when new files were uploaded. This kept them updated throughout the process, without us having to follow up manually," says Leasi. "This also strengthened their impression of us as a serious player, which undoubtedly contributed positively to the process.

What's next for Leasi?

With the issue completed and new, skilled investors on board, Leasi is looking forward to the future. "We have recently secured fresh capital and see that the development is going in the right direction. The plan is to start a new capital round in about 1.5 years. ENVE was a fantastic partner in this process, so we have already decided to use the platform again for the next issue," they conclude.

Would you recommend ENVE to other companies?

- Absolutely. This is a tool all companies looking for capital should use, especially now that the platform is also available in English. We recommend ENVE to anyone looking for a professional and efficient data room solution.

Last updated

9/23/2024 15:00